SIBM Bengaluru


TEDxSIBMBengaluru 2024

TEDxSIBMBengaluru 2024

SIBMB February 24, 2024 TEDxSIBMBengaluru 2024 event TEDx is an independently organised one day event, hosting speakers across different domains having ideas to share.  Hosted by TED, the event was independently organized by TEDxSIBMBengaluru, embodying the TED mission of spreading valuable ideas to inspire and provoke thought. This year’s 13th edition of  TEDxSIBMBengaluru was a […]



Revelation’24 SIBMB January 28, 2024 event SIBM-B’s Annual Flagship event, organized by the Cultural and International Relations Committee, is a two-day extravaganza that is spread across 4 engaging verticals namely – Management, Cultural, SIBM-B MUN, and Sports, taking into account every sphere of talent. It is a mega event comprising of 14 individual competitions with […]

Utthaan ’23

utthaan SIBM

Utthaan ’23 SIBMB December 16, 2023 event Utthaan Date: 16th December 2023 Utthaan, the flagship event of SIBM Bengaluru’s Social Responsibility Committee, is a day of joy and celebration for the underprivileged children. Utthaan ’23, themed “Kingdom of Dreams,” featured a Magic Show, Bounce House, Outdoor Games, and Educational Activities, providing the perfect blend of […]

Cranium Crusherzz ’23

Cranium Crusherzz

Cranium Crusherzz ’23 SIBMB December 12, 2023 event Cranium Crusherzz Date: 11th December 2023 to 12th December 2023. Cranium Crusherzz Conducted on the 11th and 12th of December, provided a platform for participants to showcase their knowledge and dedication to business quizzing. Minds collided, and brilliance ignited as participants engaged in thought-provoking challenges, fostering a […]

Exordium ’23

Exordium ’23 SIBMB December 5, 2023 event Exordium Date: 25th Nov 2023 to 5th December 2023. Welcome to Exordium , the pinnacle of sporting excellence of SWSC! As our flagship event, Exordium unfolds over a dynamic week, featuring a medley of indoor and outdoor sports that ignite the competitive spirit.  Indoor sports: Badminton, Table Tennis, […]


SAMAAGAM 2023 SIBMB September 23, 2023 event Samaagam represents the cherished annual alumni reunion of SIBM-Bengaluru, ourflagship event, where our esteemed alumni reconnect with their academic roots andreminisce about their MBA journey. This meticulously organized event, facilitated bythe institution, serves as a platform where the distinguished alumni can renewacquaintances with fellow classmates, forge new connections, […]


ALCHEMY 2023 SIBMB September 15, 2023 If India was to be described in one word, it would be ‘pliant’. Over the years, since1947, India has seen exponential changes and growth in its economy and industriesand has been able to adapt to these changes very quickly. This agility has not onlyprovided an extensive ground for innovation […]

Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) – Video 4

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Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) – Video 3

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