SIBM Bengaluru

Prof. A. Vidyasagar


Deputy Director

Prof. A. Vidyasagar has done his B. Tech (E & C) from NITK, Surathkal and PGDM from IIM, Calcutta. He is NET (UGC) qualified. He has over 30 years of experience in Sales, Marketing, Business Strategy, Corporate Planning, and Brand Consulting. He was part of the top management team in several companies across Telecom, IT and Durable sectors. He was associated with various companies like T.I. Cycles, Usha Martin Telekom, JT Mobiles, Logix Microsystems, Vertebrand and others. His teaching and research interests are in the fields of Digital Marketing, Sales and Distribution Management, Branding and Marketing strategies. 

A case study co-authored by Prof. Vidyasagar has won the Marketing category of ISB-Ivey Global Case Competition 2017.


Journal Paper | January, 2017

A.Vidyasagar, Semila Fernandes & Dr. Mallika Srivastava  Brandwidth:

An Influence of Brand Associations in Gift Giving Behavior.International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management (IJRCM), Vol no.8, Issue no.01 pg no. 5-10(ISSN:2231-1009)

Journal Paper | March, 2017

Semila Fernandes, Srijani Chaudhuri and A. Vidyasagar

Success Crowns Cadbury Dairy Milk: Brand and Culture Analysis. International Journal of Business and Economic Research, 15(2): 177-189 (Scopus ISSN: 0972-7302).

Journal Paper | March, 2017

Dr. D. Subramaniam, A.Vidyasagar 

The Dilemma of Warehouse Manager. Perspective – A Case Research Journal, Vol 3 pg no. 49-62 (ISSN: 2394-9961).

Journal Paper | March, 2016

A. Vidyasagar Semila Fernandes

Digital Marketing – Way to Significance. International journal of research in commerce, IT and management, 6(3) (ISSN:2231-5756).

Journal Paper | May, 2015

V.G.Venkatesh, A.Vidyasagar

International Logistics Operations at a Manufacutring Firm- An analysis. Perspectiva – a Case Research Journal, 1(1): 65-72 (ISSN: ISSN # 2394 9961).

Journal Paper | February, 2015

Fernandes Semila, Vidyasagar A.

Digital Marketing and WordPress. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(4): 61-68 (Scopus,Ebsco,DOAJ,Index Copernicus,Indian Science Abstracts,Research Bible,Thomson Reuteurs,Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; ISSN: 0974-5645).

Journal Paper | September, 2014

Kumar Ajith, Vidyasagar A, Sharma Aarti Mehta

Eco friendly practices – Examining for Differences. GE – International Journal of management research, 2(9): 33-65 (Cabell’s directory,Google Scholar,Academic Keys,Scribd; ISSN: 2321-1709).

Case Studies | November, 2017

A.Vidyasagar, Semila Fernandes, Pooja Gupta

Farm Harvest: A Distribution Dilemma, ISB-Ivey Case Competition (the case study was the Winner in the Marketing Category at ISB-IVEY global case study competition-2017).

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